Monday, July 22, 2013

“Walk Across America” at Canton Baptist Church

1069396_405028176273124_112231145_n On Sunday morning July 21, 2013, Jim Buckley (and wife Glenda) with “Walk Across America” stopped at Canton Baptist Church along his nation-wide trek. Jim spoke to the congregation, bringing them a message about the home and family; and He is affiliated with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), which sent its video crew to film on location during the worship services.

His sermon focused on how Jesus utilized the home to strengthen families; and how Satan is infiltrating homes to destroy them. He began his message sharing how Jesus stayed at the home of Zacchaeus (Lk 19:5); thereby, impacting his life in a meaningful and lasting way.

He then pointed out where Acts 8:3 states, “Saul began to destroy the church going from house to house” (NIV). Therefore, the devil is tearing down the church one family at a time, going from house to house; but if we allow Jesus to reign in our heart and make Him the center of the home, then the devil will lose his foothold.

Buckley concluded his message by sharing how Saul eventually came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior; and how he later, as the Apostle Paul, began proclaiming the gospel message and teaching people “from house to house” (Acts 20:20).

Later that afternoon, the BGEA video crew interviewed the Mitchell’s at their home. They were looking for a family with an inspirational story; one in which they overcame great odds to maintain their faith and family. The Mitchell video will appear on the “Walk Across America” website after the editing is completed.

This was a memorable and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Canton Baptist Church; one that will be talked about for years to come.